Shemitah is Approaching
In Preparation for Shemitah
- We are currently nearing the beginning of the shemitah year, which
will take effect, b’ezras Hashem, on Rosh Hashanah 5782/2021. - Worry. Some people start feeling pressure and worry as shemitah
nears. For farmers, the mitzvah and issurim of shemitah involve real
sacrifice. Dovid Hamelech refers to farmers who keep shemitah as
mighty warriors (‘א א”פ רבה ויקרא ,(as their dedication in abandoning
their fields for a whole year takes lots of strength. Regular people
also feel restricted because of the kedushas shevi’is of produce. - Joy. In truth though, we should be extra joyful that we have the
zechus of this holy, precious, and dear mitzvah. Just as there are six
mundane weekdays and the seventh is Shabbos, we also have six
years without kedushah followed by a seventh year of kedushah, in
which we eat produce sanctified with kedushas shevi’is. We should
yearn to be zocheh to the year of kedushah already, just like a person
waits on Erev Shabbos in anticipation of the arrival of Shabbos. - Desire to keep the mitzvos hateluyos ba’aretz. Moshe Rabbeinu
davened 515 tefillos – the gematria of “ ואתחנן – “to be zocheh to
enter Eretz Yisroel. Chazal say, “Why did Moshe Rabbeinu desire to
enter Eretz Yisroel? Did he need to eat its produce or be satiated
from its goodness? Rather, he said, ‘There are many mitzvos Klal
Yisroel were commanded about that can only be fulfilled in Eretz
Yisroel. I want to enter so I can fulfill them’” ( א”ע ד”י דף סוטה’ גמ.( - Applies to everyone. People think the halachos of not working the
land only apply to farmers. In truth though, many halachos apply to
activities in a city setting, e.g., tending gardens, transporting dirt to
a construction site upon the completion of a building (see below, 38),
growing vegetables or seedlings on a windowsill, various plants in a
house, spilling water from a balcony onto the ground, and so forth.
Learning the Halachos - One of the reasons people feel pressure is because they do not know
the halachos and consequently do not know what they can and
cannot do. We therefore determined that it is necessary and
beneficial to begin organizing the halachos in a clear manner that
everyone will gain from and to preface with some principles on the
topic. Throughout the year, b’ezras Hashem, we will focus on
different shemitah topics that will be relevant at that time. “The one
who toils on erev Shabbos will eat on Shabbos.” - Chutz La’aretz.Although our fellow Yidden who live in Chutz La’aretz
are not zocheh to have the experience of keeping shemitah or the
kedushah of Eretz Yisroel, they too must know the halachos. First of
all, they need to know to be careful about shemitah produce
imported from Eretz Yisroel and the halachos about shemitah of
money, which also applies in Chutz La’aretz. - But the main point is that the halachos also apply to them. Soon
Hashem will break the yoke of the goyim that is on our necks and He
will bring us speedily to our land. It is especially important to learn
these halachos since it was due to a disregard for the halachos of
shemitah that we were sent far away from our land, as Chazal say,
“For the aveirah of shemitah and yovel, galus comes to the world”
( א”ע ג”ל דף שבת’ גמ .(Thus, by learning and working on the halachos of
shemitah, we should be zocheh to keep them again.
Preparing Properly - There are also several topics it is worthwhile to know in advance so
that one can prepare properly, e.g., when the deadline for planting
trees is (below, 29) and what type of work is forbidden during
shemitah so that one can do these things before shemitah.
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